Careers advice and Guidance
The government’s Careers Strategy, launched in December 2017, and statutory guidance published in January 2018 set out the requirements for schools and colleges to provide a programme of advice and guidance that is stable, structured and delivered by individuals with the right skills and experience. To achieve this aim, the careers strategy sets out that every school providing secondary education should use the Gatsby Charitable Foundation’s Benchmarks to develop and improve their careers provision. The Gatsby Benchmarks are a framework of 8 aspects which together provide high quality careers provision in schools.
These are:
A Stable careers programme
Learning from career and labour market information
Addressing individual needs
Linking the curriculum to careers
Encounters with employers and employees
Experiences of workplaces
Encounters with further and higher education where appropriate
Pupils at Headstart School are entitled to CEIAG (Careers Education Information and Guidance) which meets professional standards of practice, which is person centred, impartial and confidential. CEIAG is embedded into pupils’ experience of the whole curriculum. In addition, we have a careers programme for each year group, the details of which are outlined in the attached booklet.
Careers programme
Support of the careers programme from a range of people is crucial in providing our pupils with high quality careers provision. We work closely with local employers to provide opportunities and experiences for all pupils during their time at Headstart.
Students follow a weekly Skills Builder Tutor Programme incorporated in to their tutor time
We offer meaningful work related learning and experiences to support our careers programme.
If you are interested in getting involved or engaging with our careers programme, please contact Maria Allan at the school on
01825 729649
Engage in activities provided by school
Careers is incorporated within the PSHE programme of study
Keys stages 3 and above follow a weekly Skills Builder tutor programme
Key stages 4 and 5 weekly careers lessons
Talk about activities and experiences they do outside of school
Work with pupils, parents and employers to raise aspirations and provide experiences across the curriculum to link learning with the workplace
Attend and support school events
Support children with their aspirations
Visit the school to give talks about work and experience
Attend school events
Visit the school to conduct mock interviews
Support the careers programme
Visit the school to give talks
Invite pupils in for workplace visits
Support work experience
Work Experience
Pupils in Year 11 and post 16 are offered a suitable work experience placement. It is important to match individuals to the right workplace environment and offer the required support. Headstart school may offer work experience in one of the following ways:
In school
Work shadowing
Short term placement
Extended placement
Work experience has a huge number of benefits for our students:
Increases confidence
Raises aspirations
Challenges their expectations
Broadens their horizons
Increases their opportunities
Develops useful skills such as communication, organisation, teamwork.
Helps with interpersonal skills
If you are an employer who is able to offer a work experience placement,
Please contact Chris Weatherley
Transition at Year 11 and Post 16
During Years 10 and 11 and Post 16, pupils are thinking about moving on. As part of our careers programme, they will have a number of opportunities to engage with local colleges and training providers. During this time pupils are supported in increasing their confidence so by the time they leave they feel well prepared and ready for their next step.
As part of the EHCP meetings in year 10, 11 and Post 16, college and transition options will be discussed.
In Key Stage 4 pupils will be offered the opportunity to complete taster days at local colleges.
During Year 11 pupils will be offered
Visits to local colleges
Opportunity to meet local colleges at events
Support with completing applications to college
Support preparing for interviews and having mock interviews
Individual or small group transition visits
After Headstart School
We would love to hear from you if you are an ex pupil of Headstart School. If you are in college, training or employment, please do get in touch using this email address:
Your experiences will be of much interest to us and our students. You may want to tell us about your experiences since leaving school and we will talk to our students. Or you may be interested in coming back to Headstart School and talking to some of our students in person. Either way, our students would love to hear about what you are now doing, so please do get in touch.